Welcome to Plant Thyme: Your Beginners Guide to Herbalism

Welcome to Plant Thyme: Your Beginners Guide to Herbalism

Welcome To Plant Thyme: A Beginners Guide To Herbalism

Welcome.  This blog’s mission is to serve as a useful guide to help people start their journey into herbalism.  Traditionally, herbalism refers to medicinal practices based on the use of plants and plant extracts.  To me though, herbalism is just a desire to add more plants into your daily routine.plant medicine

Whether that means through culinary recipes, medicinal healing, cosmetic products, or just an overall holistic approach to your health.  If you are interested in adding more plants into your daily life, Plant Thyme will show you how.


I will help you navigate the enormous amount of information available to you and break it into bite-sized bits.  I will offer tips/tricks and useful strategies on how to add more plants into your life.  I will share with you trusted brands and resources to guide you from uncertainty to “Ooo I can totally do that!”

I will help you go from “What the heck is that?” to “ Look at what I just created!” I will help lessen that feeling of overwhelm and replace it with confidence.  I will help you create healthy, delicious, and highly medicinal recipes to support a holistic approach to health, and have fun doing it!

I will help you get your kiddos involved and enjoy the process. I will help you decide which plants you can grow with ease and which will require a bit more TLC.  I will help you to feel inspired by the wealth of health and wellness at your fingertips.foraging for herbs


Plant Thyme’s philosophy is to be proactive towards your health and well-being rather than reactive.  There are too many preventable dis-eases out there.  Dis-ease and sickness are not inevitable fates, a lot can be prevented, subside, or even eliminated completely, given the right path.

It is my goal to share the information that I learn from coursework, literature, and guides with all of you.  I will share plant knowledge and how to incorporate that newly learned knowledge into everyday uses.  I will take it one plant at a time and one step at a time.beginning herbalism

One piece of advice that I have learned to help lessen the overwhelm on this journey is that “ it’s better to know 10 ways to use 25 herbs than know 1 use for 100 herbs.”- Rosalee De La Foret.  Keep that in mind as you start your learning process.


Plant Thyme’s main focus will be on herbal creations, however,  I will not neglect the many other plants that nature provides for us.  Plants in general can provide us with so many diverse benefits that it would be nearly impossible to just focus on one or two categories!

I am excited to create meaningful and relevant content for all of you.  I look forward to our journey to health and wellness together.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out or leave a comment about what your biggest struggles with starting this journey are.  I will do my best to help ease those struggles.    🙂

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