You love to make herbal creations and you find yourself wondering what are the best herbal products to start selling on Etsy in 2023. I have wondered the same thing, so I did some research.  Herbal products can be a bit time-consuming to make and well,  if you are making them for the purpose of selling them, you want to make sure you are not wasting your time or your precious ingredients.   …

The 10 Best Herbal Products to EASILY Sell on Etsy in 2023 Read more »

So you have created the most luxurious herbal products; body cream, a potent blend of detox tea or a healing medicinal salve, and all you have to label those lovely creations is a sticker and a sharpie.  Well, that just doesn’t do your herbal creations justice.  Those creations were made with some serious time-consuming TLC and they deserve to be dressed in style! Disclaimer: Plant Thyme utilizes some affiliate links which may result …

How to Create Professional Labels with Beautiful Graphics for Free Read more »