The 10 Best Herbal Products to EASILY Sell on Etsy in 2023

The 10 Best Herbal Products to EASILY Sell on Etsy in 2023

You love to make herbal creations and you find yourself wondering what are the best herbal products to start selling on Etsy in 2023. I have wondered the same thing, so I did some research.  Herbal products can be a bit time-consuming to make and well,  if you are making them for the purpose of selling them, you want to make sure you are not wasting your time or your precious ingredients.  

There are so many different products to consider making and selling on Etsy, but I am going to narrow the list down to the 10 best herbal products to EASILY start selling on Etsy.  

# 1 Best Herbal Product to EASILY Start Selling on Etsy- Printable Labels

best products to sell on Etsy
Herbal Label Created with Canva & Creative Market

Printable labels are probably the absolute easiest herbal product you could begin selling on Etsy.  I have a previous blog post if you are interested in starting this process, it is incredibly easy and you can get started creating them for FREE!

The great thing about printable labels is that you design them once and after they are put on Etsy to sell, your work is basically done.  People purchase your already pre-made design and you sit back idly and collect your profits! Wooo Hooo!

Think about the herbal products that you have already created and let that be your guide to some of the labels that you create.  

Canva is a design platform that is incredibly user-friendly with tons of tutorials on YouTube if you get stuck.

Creative Market offers amazing graphics, fonts and templates to fit even the most perfectionistic designer. I share some of their amazing herbal and gardening graphics in a previous post if you would like to see them for yourself.    Below are some of the labels that I have created for FREE on Canva.  

best herbal products to sell on Etsy
Label Created with Canva & Creative Market
best herbal products to sell on Etsy
Herbal Label Created with Canva & Creative Market
best herbal products to create on Etsy
Herbal Label Created with Canva & Creative Market

I don’t consider myself to be extremely tech-savvy and I felt the process to be quite simple.  If you are new to Etsy, there are some really good tutorials on YouTube to help you start that process.  

The bottom line here is, creating printable herbal labels will create passive income for you and that is a big win! You do the work one time and you continue to reap the financial rewards indefinitely.  

# 2 Best Herbal Product to EASILY Start Selling on Etsy- Printable Garden Planners

best herbal products to sell on Etsy

Planners seem to be all the rage these days and well, who doesn’t love a beautiful planner to help us all stay organized with our day-to-day tasks?  Planners can also be created using Canva, they have all sorts of unique and gorgeous templates for you to choose from.

Planners can be sold on Etsy as a digital print out or if you feel like splurging, you can create an actual physical planner to be shipped to your customers.  In my head, I was focusing on EASY ways to create herbal products to sell on Etsy.  If that is the plan I am going to stick to, then printables are the way to go.

If you find yourself wanting to create a physical product, check out some of the top-selling planners on Etsy to help spur your creativity and see what others are selling theirs for.  

If you are opting to create a digital printable planner, just follow the steps above for creating labels and substitute the label template for a planner template, but the process will be the same. 

 Creative Market has stunning graphics (like the ones below) to help you create unique designs for your digital planners.  

# 3 Best Herbal Product to EASILY Start Selling on Etsy- Printable Recipe Cards

best herbal products to sell on Etsy

Without sounding too redundant, printables are the way to go.  Passive income is the name of the game.  

All herbalists create various recipes for all of their unique herbal creations and who doesn’t want a lovely recipe card to accompany them?  

Recipe cards can be used for all herbal creations.  They can also be included as a physical product to accompany the homemade creations that you are selling, as well.  That would be a really thoughtful touch to your physical products.  

Recipe cards can be used for teas, salves, infusions, tinctures, soaps, etc, etc, etc.  These, if thoughtfully designed, could be a big seller and can even be offered as a digital printable.  

Again, if this idea intrigues you, just follow the above steps to create your very own digital recipe cards and start selling them on Etsy!

# 4 Best Herbal Product to EASILY Start Selling on Etsy- Herbal Monograph Templates

best herbal products to sell on Etsy

Every herbalist or budding herbalist knows how overwhelming it can be to keep track of all of the different plants and plant properties.  That is where herbal monographs come in.  

Herbal monographs are templates that help you identify what each plant is, how it is grown, when & what parts to harvest and how to use it.

Herbal monographs can be sold as digital print-outs or as physical products.  I have seen both of them being sold on Etsy.  

Herbal Monographs will take a bit more of your time as it is more difficult to find a pre-made template to make the process as simple as the ones above.  However, if you have a knack for creativity and can navigate your way around a computer, these could end up being huge sellers on Etsy.

# 5 Best Herbal Product to EASILY Start Selling on Etsy- Herbal Infused Mineral Bath Salts

best herbal products to sell on Etsy

Herbal-infused bath salts are super easy to make and they generally can be made to order so you don’t have a bunch of products sitting around waiting for them to sell before they go bad.

Herbal bath salts make amazing gifts for new moms, birthdays, Mother’s Day or just because.  You could specialize in herbal bath salts to help remedy certain skin issues, aromatherapy, postpartum, or wherever your creativity takes you.  

All you will need will be some high-quality mineral salt, and your favorite herbal blend and if you choose to scent them, you will need a good quality essential oil.  

If you have all of the above and a quaint little glass jar, you are all set.  You could even combine your new recipe cards and labels to create the most beautiful products to sell on Etsy.  

# 6 Best Herbal Product to EASILY Start Selling on Etsy- Herbal Infused Culinary Salts

best products to sell on Etsy

Culinary salts are obviously quite similar to herbal bath salts, however, if you are able to grow all of the common kitchen spices in your own home garden, this product is definitely worth trying.  

The same principle applies to creating herbal bath salts, but you would probably opt for high-quality Himalayan Salt or high-mineral Celtic Sea Salt to have your product stand out. 

You could experiment with different culinary herbal mixtures or just stick with one herb per salt.  Have fun experimenting and see what sells.  

Again, this product could be made to order which lessens the stress of selling your pre-made products. 

 # 7 Best Herbal Product to Start Selling on Etsy- Tea Blends

best herbal products to sell on Etsy
Herbal Tea Blends to Sell on Etsy

Making & selling your own personal tea blends is another easy product to begin selling on Etsy.  You could purchase different dried herbs and create your own tea blend or if you are fortunate to have an abundance growing in your garden, sell your own harvest.  

You could focus your products on specific remedies for common ailments or tailor your recipes to teas that just taste really good.  Let your creativity shine!

The possibilities are kind of endless if this is the route you would like to take.  

Dress your jars up to look aesthetically pleasing and those babies will sell themselves!  

 # 7 Best Herbal Product to EASILY Start Selling on Etsy- Herbal Salves

best herbal products to sell on Etsy

Herbal salves are quite popular, relatively simple to make and their shelf life is pretty decent too.  

You can make herbal salves completely homemade by infusing your own carrier oil with your choice of herbal goodness or you can buy a pre-made herbal oil and add the beeswax (to harden the mixture), essential oils and whatever finishing touches to make your product unique to your brand.  

Add that mixture to cute little tin containers, design your own circular labels with Canva  & Creative Market and start selling your sensational salves to help heal the world!

# 8 Best Herbal Product to EASILY Start Selling on Etsy- Bath Oil

best herbal products to sell on Etsy

Bath oils are the epitome of luxurious self-care routines.  I recently wrote a post on how to easily implement herbal self-care rituals into your daily routine and bath oils definitely made the list.  

Bath oils can be made quite easily and you can really let your creativity shine with this product.  You can create oil blends to target a specific audience (skin relief, medicinal, pregnancy, etc) or just focus on what scents and herbs you already have on hand and that you are familiar with.  

If you have your own herbal oil infusions brewing, feel free to use those.  If you don’t, you could just choose a carrier oil (grapeseed or apricot oil work well for most skin types), add in some dried herbs ( make sure they are dried so they do not allow mold to form in the mixture) then add your favorite essential oils or oil mixtures.

Dress those oils in the most beautiful bottles, add your own essence to them and pop that listing on Etsy to watch your sales roll in!

# 9 Best Herbal Product to EASILY Start Selling on Etsy- Lip Balm

Best products to sell on Etsy
DIY Lip Balm to sell on Etsy

Personally, I have never made lip balm before but I have read that it is pretty easy to make.  Just make sure all of your ingredients are edible!  I did read a couple of years back about a young entrepreneur who just sold lip balm and ended up with quite a substantial business for herself.

Here is a pretty nice tutorial if you are new to making your own lip balm.

The same principles apply as with the other products listed throughout this article, make a beautiful product and make it unique to you and your brand.  

# 10 Best Herbal Product to EASILY Start Selling on Etsy- Seed Bombs

Seed Bombs are actually pretty simple to make and they make really nice gifts for plant lovers and children alike.  If you have never heard of seed bombs, they are similar to bath bombs, but they are made of recycled material (often paper) and loaded with any type of seed you would like (wildflowers, garden fruits/veggies, pollinators, etc.) formed into a shape (usually a ball) and then planted directly into the ground or pot.

Here is a brief tutorial if you’re interested in possibly crafting these cute little seed bombs.

Seed bombs can be made into a ball or you can use a mold to make them more unique.  

Seed bombs are relatively new and the market doesn’t seem to be too flooded with them so maybe this is the perfect time for you to start your own unique seed bombs.  

That brings us to the end of our list of the 10 best herbal products to sell on Etsy.

There are many other avenues to selling your amazing herbal creations, Etsy is just one of them.  Farmer’s Markets, local shops, your own personal website or even craft tables throughout your city.  Whatever avenue you choose, visualize success for yourself!

If you are interested in learning more about the herbal business or crafting your own herbal cosmetics or remedies both The Herbal Academy and Homegrown Herbs have classes geared towards any direction you will like to take your interest in herbs.

I hope these ideas have inspired you to start creating and selling some of your amazing products on Etsy!  The sky is the limit so have fun designing and creating all of those herbal treasures for the world to use!

Happy creating and thank you for reading!

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